The Good Confraternity of Sicerators of Asturies is preparing sime signs to settle the cider bars having winners of the Cider Pouring Official Championship working on them.
THE CIDER.- The idea is cider bars to shine their signs to highlight that they have a champion. An Asturian hat will be that sign, which could be also in cider bars whose workers usually participate in the contests. The Good Confraternity of Sicerators of Asturies is the organizator of this initative.
“Our intentio is to dignify the figure of the cider pourer to let be their work known and appreciated. We also wnat to value cider bars with the effort of their cider pourers to be recognized and let them compete in the contests even in working hours”, states Ricardo del Río, secretary of the Confraternity.
For further information, LA SIDRA 145th corresponding to the month of January 2016