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The cidertourism each time more present

The touristic value of Asturian cider is something that many cider mills knew how to support, offering experiences that include guided visits and Asturian "espiches".   THE CIDER.-Some years ago many of the big Asturian cider mills with much streng in the cider market began to see a very different


Ultimate success of the V SISGA

With the Sommelier Day aimed for the professionals of the sector, the V SISGA puts an end to its activities with unsurpassable results. THE CIDER.- In the Sommelier Day, which took place today at Bernueces Cider Mill, the professionals of the sector tasted the awarded ciders in the SISGA’15 Awards, and


Halilovic pours a cider glass

The Croatian center-forward of the Sporting of Xixón each time more involved in the Asturian culture. After scoring the goal that give the triumoh to the Sporting against the Malaga, the Croatian forward performed the pouring of a cider glass following the example of Villa. "I poured a cider glass

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