The prestigious cider festival awarded for the very first time in 130 years, a Gold Medal to an Asturian cider. LA SIDRA.- Last edition of the Internacional Cider Awards took place in London on March in the area of Burton upon Trent, and in this event beers and ciders from 20
El prestixosu festival sidreru otorga por primer vegada nos sos cuasique 130 años d’hestoria, una Medalla d’Oru a una sidre asturiana. LA SIDRA.- La postrer edición de los Internacional Cider Awards de Londres, cellebrada nel mes de marzu na llocalidá inglesa de Burton upon Trent, na que se premia a
With the Sommelier Day aimed for the professionals of the sector, the V SISGA puts an end to its activities with unsurpassable results. THE CIDER.- In the Sommelier Day, which took place today at Bernueces Cider Mill, the professionals of the sector tasted the awarded ciders in the SISGA’15 Awards, and
Tomorrow Tuesday there will be the Press Conference to presentate the V International Hall of Gala Ciders. THE CIDER.- The Press Conference will be held in Xixón at Casa La Palmera (Cabrales 82) at 12:15 and on it will participate: Teresa Sánchez (Divertia), Marcos Abel Fernández. (President of the Asturies XXI