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El llagar surafricanu Sxollie tamién participará nel SISGA’17

Confírmase’l calter ca vuelta más internacional del eventu, qu’esti añu cuntará con presencia xaponesa y surafricana. LA SIDRA.- La  sétima edición del Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala sedrá ensin dubia la más internacional de toles ediciones darréu qu’à l’avezada participación europea esti añu amestaráse la xaponesa (llagar Tamura) y la surafricana

Presentation of SISGA’16 in Barcelona

Yesterday there was the Gala Dinner in Barcelona to present the SISGA'16 with a very interesting pairing of the chef's proposals with ciders awarded in the SISGA'15. THE CIDER.- Organized by the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA in collaboration with the Asturian Center of Barcelona, there was the Gala

Presentation of SISGA’16 in Barcelona

The Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA in collaboration with the Asturian Center of Barcelona will organize a Gala Dinner to present the SISGA'16 for professionals of the sector. THE CIDER- Coinciding with the presence of the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA with official pass in Alimentaria, one of

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