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International Cider Festival, un referente pa les sidres europees

El caberu 30 d'abril tuvo llugar na ciudá holandesa de Rotterdam la sigunda edición del Internacional Cider Festival, un eventu qu'axunta a productores de sidre d’estremaes partes d'Europa col envís de da-y puxu al conocimientu d'esta bébora n'Holanda al empar qu'algamar nueos mercaos. LA SIDRA.- Esti eventu foi entamáu per

LA SIDRA in Holland

The first day of the International Cider Festival ended with a very nice dinner for producers and distributors of international cider. THE CIDER.- Asturian cider is not unknown around Europe. That is the work of the European dellegation of LA SIDRA. Yesterday took place in the nice frame of the

LA SIDRA in Alimentaria

A LA SIDRA's delegation is since last Monday in Alimentaria, one of the mai  European alimentary fair, taking place in Barcelona. THE CIDER.- With the aim of knowing first hand the evolution of the agroalimentary market and the last tendencies, especially regarding cider and derivatives as well as to cover

Xixón is promoted in Frankfurt

An Asturian delegation of the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA magazine participated in the biggest European cider fair, the Apfelwein Weltweit. On last Sunday 10th in the uncomparable historical building of Palmengarten, Botanical Garden of Frankfurt, there was the successful cider fair with more than 70 exhibitors of different

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