Inicio > Sisga (Page 21)

Voluntary work for the VII IHGC

The Asturies XXI Foundation makes an announcement for volunteers to collaborate with the seventh edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders. LA SIDRA.- The VII International Hall of Gala Ciders exceeds the participation expectations both to a national and international level, and increases the activities of the event. Such as

Riestra shows off in Copenhagen

Remarkable participation of this cider mill from Sariego and LA SIDRA at the Rigtig Cider, this last weekend in Copenhagen. BROWSE PICTURES LA SIDRA.- Ciders from Riestra cider mill, brut, demi dry and natural, highlighted during this festival, reference in Scandinavia. Ther also LA SIDRA participated getting there the VII

SIdra Riestra lluzse en Copenhague

Destacada participación del llagar sareganu y de LA SIDRA nel Rigtig Cider cellebráu esta pasada fin de selmana en Copenhague. VER SEMEYES LA SIDRA.- La sidre del llagar Riestra, tanto la brut, como la semiseca y la natural, destacaren sobromanera nel festival sidreru referencial de la escandinavia, onde tamién participó

1st Meeting of Journalists and Specialized Bloggers

Asturianu / Español / English It will be celebrated within the program of the VII International Hall of Gala Ciders and will be presided over by the journalist graduated in Gastronomic and Nutritional Journalism, Estíbaliz Urquiola. LA SIDRA.- The dynamic of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (SISGA / IHGC) has

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