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Asturian Cider Culture to UNESCO

The general manager of Rural Development and Agroalomentation from the "Principality" says they will retake the candidacy for World Intangible Heritage. LA SIDRA.- Jesús Casas, during his participation at the “Sidraforum” celebrated within Nava's Cider Festival,  stated that tomorrow will meet with the Councillor of Culture to start a campaign to

Desendolcu Rural va proponer compensar a los productores que caltengan el paisaxe

La Conseyería anunció esta propuesta y otres más rellacionaes coles pumaraes pa la Sidre d’Asturies DOP. LA SIDRA.- Nel pasáu salón y presentación de la collecha de la Sidre d’Asturies DOP emitiéronse distintos anuncios rellacionaos con esta marca, que van ser un puntu inflexón dientru la hestoria del seutor sidreru

The “Principality” forbids to sing

To sign and play bagpipe is forbidden in Asturian cider bars excet they sign in as flamenco dancing. LA SIDRA.- The "Principality" bases this decision on the law of public performances that bans Asturian cider bars to have live music, including traditional singing and playing bagpipe. The only chance

The Spanish administration bans pear cider

Once again the Spanish legislation cuts the chances for development of Asturian cider mills. LA SIDRA.- Although perry or pear cider is an Asturian traditional product, known since always, the Spanish legislation -limited because of wine and ignorant of the cider world- excludes in the last law approved on February

Asturies non stop at Gourmet’s Hall

Tastings, contest and presentation of Cortina's Ice Cider. CORTINA'S ICE CIDER VIDEO EL CUCO - POMA ÁUREA VIDEO AWARD TO COALLA GOURMET VIDEO CIDER BARS OF ASTURIES VIDEO LA SIDRA.- This is a non stop! Asturies turned to be one of the most active points inside the Gourmet's Hall of the

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