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The most cidery procession of the Asturian Holy Week is back here, announcing the cider lovers a mythical day where cider and party are the true protagonists. THE CIDER.- The thirteenth edition of the Sidracrucis will be on next 25th of March in a day that will begin at 12

Presentación del SISGA en Gipuzkoa

LA SIDRA, en collaboración cola Asociación de Sidra Natural de Gipuzkoa y con la Ruta de la Sidra Vasca, presenta esti sábadu el SISGA, y les sidres gallardonaes nel SISGA’15. LA SIDRA.- Esti sábadu 13 de febreru tendrá llugar nel llagar d’Araeta (Gipuzkoa) la presentación del Salón Internacional de les

Trabanco cider and Alcares cheeses, presented in London

The emblematic cider mill from Xixón and the new cheese factory from Sieru will participate this 8th of February in Tentación Ibérica. THE CIDER.- The event is organized by the Asturian company Gustatio and will take place in the Asturian restaurant Hispania, gastronomically adviced by the chef MArcos Morán, who

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