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Castañón, Cortina, Trabanco y Viuda de Angelón, cuatro grandes nel XXX Salón de Gourmets

Fasta'l stand d’Asturies averóse Santiago Menéndez de L.luarca, acabante llegar de Roma comu Conseyeru ante la FAO pa felicitar a los llagareros pol so llabor. LA SIDRA.- Segundu díi de Salón de Gourmets onde los llagares asturianos tán esponiendo lo meyor de los sos productos. Son cuatro: Castañón, Cortina, Trabanco y

“Alimentos del paraísu natural” nel XXX Salón de Gourmets

13 empreses asturianes esponen los sos productos nesta Feria Internacional de l'Alimentación y  Bébores de Calida que se cellebra del 4 al 7 d'abril nel IFEMA de Madrid. LA SIDRA.- La sidre torna al Salón de Gourmets. Cortina, Castañón, Trabanco y Viuda de Angelón son los llagares representantes d’Asturies nesti alcuentru

The First Cider of the Year gets to Madrid

There is organized in Madrid the special espicha of the First Cider of the Year THE CIDER.- On Friday 15th of April there will be in Madrid a new edition of Espiches Madrd at A Cañada Cider Bar-Lavapiés (Ave María 17), the First Cider of the Year. On it people will

V Home made Cider Contest made in Wood

For fifth consecutive year, in this VII FIrst Cider of the Year LA SIDRA oeganizes the Homemade Cider Contest. READ RULES THE CIDER.-  This contest is aimed for non professional cider makers using the traditional system of wooden cask so as to encourage the use of this material for cider

VII Asturian Song and Cider

On the days 25th and 26th of March inside the activities of the First Cider of the Year, there will be the show of Asturian song in which students are the protagonists. THE CIDER- The students of Asturian singing of traditional music school Manolo Quirós, managed by Anabel Santiago, La Quintana, by

La Morena, Best First Cider of the Year

In yesterday's afternoon took place the III edition of the contest Best First Cider of the Year, which had the great participation of 44 cider mills. BROWSE PICTURES THE CIDER.- The cider from La Morena got the first place with 79 points, Riestra, Solleiro and Los Gemelos were the

7 ciders for the final of the Best First Cider

Yesterday there were classified: Estrada from Nava, La Morena from Sieru, Riestra fromSariegu, Viuda de Angelón from Nava, Solleiro fromTaramundi, Cabueñes from Xixón and Los Gemelos from Villaviciosa. THE CIDER.- El Otru Mallu Cider Bar was the stage for the first lap of the II edition of the Best First

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