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Schedule of the Cider Tasting Course

The schedule of the tasting course is now official. It was released by the Association for the Support of Asturian Cider for juries of homemade cider contests. SEE SCHEDULE THE CIDER.- This very interestig initiative, limited this time to 12 participants, will allow to unify criteria among the people participating

“Alimentos del paraísu natural” nel XXX Salón de Gourmets

13 empreses asturianes esponen los sos productos nesta Feria Internacional de l'Alimentación y  Bébores de Calida que se cellebra del 4 al 7 d'abril nel IFEMA de Madrid. LA SIDRA.- La sidre torna al Salón de Gourmets. Cortina, Castañón, Trabanco y Viuda de Angelón son los llagares representantes d’Asturies nesti alcuentru

Poster Contest for Nava’s Cider Festival

Nava's City Hall has released the rules for the poster contest of the "XXXIX Nava's Cider Festival 2016". THE CIDER.- One more year there is this contest to give Nava's Cider Festival a poster. The deadline to present the posters is April 29th (included) and there should appear the text:

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