Inicio > Sisga (Page 28)

Impressive Apfelwein Weltweit

The Asturian delegation in this important international cider fair was composed by Trabanco Group and LA SIDRA- Asturies XXI Foundation. THE CIDER.- The Apfelwein Weltweit exceeded itself in this eighth edition with a caring and attentive organization with more than 2.000 visitors in a day in which there were made

Ecusson Rose, made from Rouge Delice apple

Doubtlessly the Norman cider mill Ecusson was a winner one at the SISGA'15, with two first places and this second one we highlight: Ecusson Rose. THE CIDER.- However it was the Asturian Mayador Rosé the winner cider in the category of Rose Sparkling Cider, Ecusson Rose reached a honorable second place

VII First Cider of the Year

From the 24th to 27th of March we celebrate the VII First Cider of the Year, the biggest espicha of the country and undoubtedly the most expected one, the one that opnes the Asturian cider season, an especially promising one, in which we taste the new cider. THE CIDER.- During

Absolute Kystin, an unapologetic cider

The Breton cider mill Kystin has been participating in the SISGA three years and winning the award for the most original cider, this 2015 with Absolute Kystin. THE CIDER.- The concept of what is cider better be changing, and begin to lose the fear to innovation. The future comes for

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