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Presentación de la XXV Edición de la Fiesta de la Sidra

Cellebróse na Casa de La Palmera y cuntó cola presencia de Jorge González-Palacios, xerente de Divertia Xixón, Teresa Sánchez, direutora del Teatru Xovellanos; y José Ramón Taranco, de Llaboral Kutxa. LA SIDRA.- Esti eventu va cellebrase del 20 al 28 d'agostu. Demientres la cellebración, na ciudá entamará un auténticu homenaxe

LA SIDRA of July (Nb. 151)

LA SIDRA Nb. 151 corresponding to July of 2016 ENTAMU / BEGINNING/ EDITORIAL LA SIDRA 151.- Issue corresponding to July of 2016 with information about the cider news. Interview to Jesús Casas, new DOP campaign. Nava's Cider Festival, Llaviana, Tapia, Cuideiru, La Llébana, month's issue and much more

Xamón DO y sidre

Los Gastrónomos del Yumay cellebren ún de los sos alcuentros estrella con nomamientu de confráderes y presentando les sos Xornaes Internacionales Grande Covián.   LA SIDRA.- Ayeri tuvo llugar la presentación de les Xornaes Internacionales del Xamón Ibéricu ‘Grande Covián’ entamaes pola confradería de los Gastrónomos del Yumay. Esta presentación

Cider in the dish

From the 13th to 15th of may the cider mills from Nava will celebrate the XXIX edition of the Gastronomic Days Dishes with Cider, where apple and cider are the ingredients of the presented dishes. THE CIDER.- Casa Mino, El Titi, Plaza, La Figar, Prida and La Barraca offer

VII Asturian Song and Cider

On the days 25th and 26th of March inside the activities of the First Cider of the Year, there will be the show of Asturian song in which students are the protagonists. THE CIDER- The students of Asturian singing of traditional music school Manolo Quirós, managed by Anabel Santiago, La Quintana, by

IX Championship of Snacks and Casseroles

From today and until the 13th of March 162 establishments will offer the gastronomy lovers some of their most original dishes.   THE CIDER.- With the sponsorship of El Gaiteru beigns this ninth championship of casseroles and snacks as main protagonists, in total 172 participants of 29 different councils, many

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