The gastronomic journalist Susana Molina speaks about cider and celiac disease.
LA SIDRA.- Each time we know more about celiac isease. And we should do so. In Asturies there is a high percentage of people that suffer this condition. Actually Cangas is a council with a lot of prevalence and it’s estimated that around the 3% of the people suffer celiac disease, the triple of the state’s average. The specialized web points out that there are more than 130 gluten-free restaurants in our country. It should be highlighted that cider is a 100% gluten free product so drink cider often in a while is not a problem to people with this condition.
tThe gsstronomic journalist and specialist in wine and spirits Susana Molina, answers to the question of it it’s okay to drink cider “Fortunately yes! With no problem at all and all its varieties: natural, sparkling, juice… What’s more when I used to go out with my friends and they had beers, before drinking wine I had cider. That’s why being in Asturies is wonderful, everybody had cider so I was not the “odd one”. Also she explains that “to find easily places to eat gluten-free is like the paradise for celiac people and although every time is easier, in Asturies is the easiest. In my experience it was one of the pioneer areas. There I begun to see in restaurants that they were more concern and informed about the topic. Even more, the idea of the blog (http://celiacanoesminombre.
It is remarkable that to offer food suitable for celiac people it’s compulsory to have a certification by thr Association of Celiacs of Asturies -ACEPA-.Caros Celorio, president of the association states: “what it has to be done is to contact the association and we will inform you about what you have to do to work properly in this way”. Celorio also said that to get this certification is not difficult at all, for example is the organization itself which visits the restaurant to explain how to manage, cook and serve the foods to avoid crossed contamination.