This weekend takes place the traditinal espicha of Brañella that ends with the gastronomic days “Espiches de Primavera” organized in Samartín del Rei Aureliu.
THE CIDER.- There will be an espicha in Brañella on next 13th, 14th and 15th as an end to the gastronomic days “Espiches de Primavera” organized by some associations of Valle La Güeria de Carrocera (SRA) and that habe been celebrated in March with an important pariticpation, growing year by year.
In Brañella gastronomy, Asturian environment, country music, tonada singing, trekking, bt and traditional sports are put together. The nature lovers will link gastronomy with trekking and mountain biking since La Güeria Valley offers routes for these kind of sports and after, attend the cider meeting for good cider and better atmosphere.
The popular drinking meetings or espiches in the basins are the most traditional ones and some Asturian people used to attend espiches in industrial cider mills may be shocked while seeing the cider not being poured from the cask (usually small) but directly form to bottle and the to the glass, without proper pouring as it was wine. The tradition is this way.