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XXV anniversary of the cider ambassadors

The Skate Club Xixón Solimar, which competes with the name of Telecable Xixón, celebrated it with a special batch of Sidra El Carrascu, the PDO of Sidra Acebal

LA SIDRA.- Last August 17, at the Río Astur Cider Bar, one of the acts with which the Xixón Solimar Skate Club, today called Telecable Jockey Club, wanted to commemorate its 25th Anniversary was held.

This act counted with the collaboration of the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of the Cider of Asturias and the plague Sidra Acebal and consisted of the presentation of the label that from now on will carry the Cider DOP “El Carrascu” and that commemorates those 25 years of history of the already historic Jockey Club of Gijón.

The coach, Fernando Sierra and the players Marta Piquero, Sara Roces and Natasha Lee were present on behalf of the Club. For the Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Sidra de Asturias, the manager Daniel Ruiz, Adolfo Rubio, from the cider company Acebal . The Cider Collecting Group “SIDRASTUR” was represented by its President Raúl Moro, accompanied by partners Javier San José and José Ángel Argüelles. A representation of the Nava Brotherhood of Siceratores was also present.

The Club’s coach, in the absence of the President, emphasized the very recent decision of the European Hochey Federation to grant them an invitation to participate in the next European Cup, as well as the long history of sporting success achieved during these 25 years. He also pointed out that wherever they travel, both the team and the fans who follow them always leave present their Asturian and their special symbiosis with Asturian cider, of which he is “ambassador”: he appreciated the close collaboration they have maintained for many years the Acebal cider and the Club.

For his part, the manager of the DOP Regulatory Council, Daniel Ruiz, insisted on the importance that DOP cider has for the cider sector, which guarantees the quality of Asturian cider and that year after year sees its consumption increase.

Finally, the Councilor for Physical Activity, Sport and Rural District of the City of Xixón, José Ramón Tuero, reiterated the support of the City of Xixón for the now Telecable Hockey Club, which he described as “great ambassador of Xixón”, so that the next final of The European Cup is held in Xixón, which could not be held this year due to the pandemic, or also a highly relevant tournament and highlighted that symbiosis between the Club Solimar and the Asturian cider, which carries throughout Spain and Europe. He congratulated the Club for the idea of ​​capturing those 25 years of history on a cider label and announced for the end of the year the celebration of an exhibition on the history of the Club.

The general comment of all those present was to highlight the union between sport and Asturian culture, of which the cider is part as an intangible asset.

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