*Picture: one of the proposals in La Montera Picona
34 cider mills participate in this traditional event in which 45 cider bars can be visited until October 20
THE CIDER.- Today at the El Chaflán cider bar , the Xixón of Cider starting point was given, one of the most anticipated events of the autumn in which 34 cider mills and 45 cider bars participate. In this edition, two of these cider mills are located in the neighborhood of La Calzada, so the festival expands its extension.
This Thursday the first culin was scanned at the aforementioned cider bar, and subsequently all participating establishments began to offer a casserole with cider elements as well as a bottle of registered brands.
In addition, the well-known ‘ciderbus’ is already underway, which has eleven stops to bring those who wish so close to the winners of the different neighborhoods of the city. Well, enjoy this gastronomic encounter that boasts both the creativity of the chefs and the good quality of the most emblematic drink of Asturies!