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X Days of the Steak

Organized by the cider bars Dakar, El Cuetu, Cabranes and Los Pomares, in collaboration with Trasacar and Llagar de Vallina

THE CIDER. – From tomorrow, and until November 27, the aforementioned cider bars will celebrate the X Days of the Steak, with cider Vallina (Vallina and Llagar de Peón) and Trasacar, which is the supplier of the steaks.

The offer is: menu for two people for € 50, with cider Vallina and Llagar de Peón, a very interesting opportunity to enjoy good prices of the great Trasacar steaks, the good work of the kitchen and the attention of the Dakar cider bars, The Cuetu, Cabranes and Los Pomares, and of course, the cider of the Lalgar de Vallina, in its two varieties, normal and DOP.

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