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Culture of the cider

Villaviciosa, awarded with the “Faba de Oro” from Casa Menéndez from Murcia

The Asturian restaurant located in Águilas, “still making home” in Murcian territory

LA SIDRA.- On December 9, the Asturian restaurant Casa Menéndez will celebrate its traditional delivery of the “Faba de Oro” awards. The owners of the place, Teresa Lastra Candelas, as a guide, and Bautista Menéndez are already well known and popular in Murcia for the promotion they usually make of the culinary Asturian product par excellence, celebrating these awards for several years, in this month as well as other prizes that are delivered in July, under the name of ‘Bonito del Norte’.

Thus, the awards will bring together great personalities from different social environments: cultural, sports, political, artistic, literary or business. And they have as recipients, this time, the poet Magdalena Sánchez Blesa, resident in Alhama de Murcia; to the General Air Academy of San Javier one of the most recognized and internationally valued institutions of the Murcia region. And, finally, to the Asturian municipality of Villaviciosa, “famous for very broad values ​​among which stands out its intense production of apples with which a cider of world prestige is made:” El Gaitero “‘explains Pedro Hurtado García.

Casa Menéndez is a restaurant managed by Asturians “of feeling, devotion and heart, but in lands of Murcia” says Hurtado and continued: “it’s a luxury, especially because Teresa is an authentic, real-life guide, person who enjoys together to the stoves to which it tries to obtain the maximum party in benefit of its guests, arrived from different national latitudes, as well as of many other countries by the tourist condition of the municipality of Águilas. She strives hard to offer exquisite dishes, succulent, pleasant taste, careful preparation and with the common denominator of an Asturian cuisine as refined as attractive, while Bautista serves them in the room with the generous information that the diner appreciates and values to feel the tradition as their own and the quality of the service, as a whole, as something truly priceless “.

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