Despite the many promises made from the “Principality”, regarding the candidacy of the Asturian Culture of Cider as Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the truth is that in these almost ten years they practically did nothing.
2009 The historian Luis Benito García, together with the dissolved Association of Asturian Cidermakers proposes this possibility to the then Minister of Rural Affairs Aurelio Martín, reaching an agreement and beginning the first phase with the realization of his side of the studio Cider and Apple In asturias. Sociability, production and consumption (from 1936 to the present), which ended in 2011, interrupting the entire process.
2013. The “Principality” decided to resume the work, finding that the General Directorate of Heritage was not aware of the proposal at all, despite the fact that those responsible for the “Principality” at the time the project was in force, were informed promptly and claimed to have everything in control. This demanded to urgently make the proposal of Cultural Interest, and inform the Historical Council of Spanish Heritage of the claim to present the candidacy before the international organization.
2014 The project was shelved until February of this year, having to proceed in the remainder of the year, the book required by the Council, the works for the documentary to present the application and the selection of images that must accompany it. In December 2014 the “Principality” once again abandoned the candidacy.
2018. April. The Ministry of Rural Development Presents a logo of Support for the candidacy of the Asturian Cider Culture, without any official content, and initiates contacts to constitute a Managing Committee and another Scientist Committee, without actually specifying one or the other.
July. FORO officially proposes to the “Principality” the presentation of the candidacy of cider to Unesco.