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The VIII SISGA/IHGC delights the international public

Yesterday, Wednesday, August 8th, the last of the two presentations of the eighth edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (SISGA/IHGC) took place in the Interceltic Festival of An Oriant.

THE SIDRA.- The Asturies XXI Foundation took advantage of the occasion of this edition of the largest festival of folk and Celtic culture in the world celebrated in An Oriant (Lorient) to bring to the public one of the biggest cider events in Europe, which takes place in Xixón, Asturies, on September 28th, 29th and 30th.

During the presentation held in the pavilion of Asturies, attendees were able to taste and get to know the best international ciders, that is, those that won prizes in the SISGA Awards.

Apart from the best sparkling and table cider Asturies represented by the cider mills Castañón, Cortina, La Naveta, Riestra and Viuda de Angelón, the select group of guests could enjoy many ciders from 8 other countries. Cider from Germany, Luxembourg, the United States, England, Italy and Celtic nations such as Cornwall, Ireland or Britain itself, host of the festival.

Of the numerous group of assistants it is possible to emphasize the representatives of the delegations of Isle of Man, Galicia, Cornwall, Scotland and Ireland, besides diverse Breton representatives, the organizers of the pavilion Asturies (Nicolas Radin and Jesus Adrián Rodríguez Álvarez with the support of the Asturian Tourism Boureau) as well as members of the organization of the festival itself and almost the entire Asturian delegation with the corresponding presence of the press and the delegate Iñaki Sánchez Santianes.

In this way Asturies consolidated its role as ambassador of the cider culture, both its own and international and the SISGA becomes a benchmark for high quality ciders.

(Visited 2,753,317 times)
Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).

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