Technicians of the Regulatory Council analyze and certify pumares and llagares for the new production of the Denomination of Origin
LA SIDRA.- It is time to pick apples and press the fruits to obtain the golden must that will later become the most emblematic drink of Asturies. Many llagares are already in full slaughter … the same as the Regulating Council of the PDO Sidra de Asturies. This is responsible for protecting Asturian cider protected from unfair competition, imitations and any infringement that affects the product with this seal of quality, as well as encouraging and promoting it. Also, the CR DOP is the control and certification body that, in accordance with Article 10 of the EEC Regulation 2081/92, is responsible for ensuring that the products protected by the Denomination meet the requirements established in its Regulation.
“In the same way as the pumaradas, also the llagares must comply with quality parameters to register in the PDO. Facilities, licenses and health status are regularly controlled by the technical team. Not to mention the racking or bottling. But in addition to all this, documentary control is an essential part. All processors are subject to a strict traceability control. So you can know, for example, what varieties and what harvesters come from the apples with which each one of the ‘Sidra de Asturias’ bottles has been made, “explains the president of CR DOP Sidra de Asturies. Next week, in number 179 of the magazine, we will publish an extensive report on the controls that the PDO makes to obtain “the best cider” in the country.