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Culture of the cider

The Asturian Cider Culture arrives at Fitur

It is one of the presentations planned at the International Tourism Fair that has begun today

LA SIDRA.- The start of the campaign for the candidacy of the Asturian Cider Culture to Intangible Heritage of UNESCO begins in Fitur. After its presentation to the media last week, and the postponement of ‘La Espichona’ to appoint the ambassadors of the candidacy; The next appointment was Fitur. And the International Tourism Fair has already begun.

The program of activities includes more than 40 presentations by the Asturian government, municipalities and tourism companies. During the first three days several events will be organized, among which the presentation of audiovisual promotion elements, the signing of an agreement with Renfe to promote a tourist railway project, the presentation of the Asturian stages of the Tour of Spain and of the program of activities of the Macroregion of Regions of the Southwest Europe.

In this new edition, Asturies will have a new pavilion of 690 square meters, 32 more than last year, which allocates 22% of the surface to companies in the sector. “We have opted to combine our best image and our main attractions with spaces that turn our pavilion into an authentic business center”, pointed out the Minister of Employment, Industry and Tourism, Isaac Pola.

The space has been organized around a central square with meeting areas as traditional homes, in order to pay homage to one of the most valued aspects of Asturias as a destination: its hospitality.

The Asturian Cider Culture will also have a presentation outside of Fitur. It will be at the cider bar in Madrid, La Chalana tomorrow Thursday the 24th.

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