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Tasting and presentation of the SISGA in the Interceltic Festival of Lorient

Yesterday, Monday 6, took place the first of the two presentations that will be made of the VIII International Exhibition of the Ciders of Gala (SISGA) within the programming of the Interceltic Festival of An Oriant (Lorient, Breizh). The chosen environment was the Asturies pavilion, where many visitors could get to

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LA SIDRA of July (Nbr 175)

Release corresponding to the month of July 2018 with an interview with Mark Gleonec, president of the AOP Sidra de Cornouaille, information about the Cider Show DOP, the Cider Festival of Nava, special snacks, gastronomic Asturies, Cider Agenda, Recommendations. . and much, much more cider information . Entamu / Beginning/ Editorial READ

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“The important thing is to enter the list of heritage that Spain presents to UNESCO”

Yesterday the Sidraforum took place in the Cider Museum, a talk-debate in which 7 speakers participated and where the recognition of Asturian cider culture as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was debated. LA SIDRA - The Nava Cider Museum was once again the stage in which the Sidrafórum was held, a debate

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