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Traceability of the Cider of Asturies PDO

The collaborative project between the COP and the CTIC achieves through Blockchain technology to develop a public traceability system for the Cider of Asturias PDO THE CIDER.- Knowing the traceability of Asturian cider is already a reality, having expanded information on the origin and the process followed to prepare ciders marketed

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LA SIDRA of November (Nb. 191)

Publication corresponding to the month of November 2019 (Nb. 191), with an interview with Ángela Baños, Councilor for Tourism of Xixón, cider proposal for this Christmas, special ice cider, prizes of Xixón de Sidre, innovative proposals for the spikes , Long-time cider lovers, Gastroburbujas, Asturies gastronomic, Cider agenda, Recommendations ...

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