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LA SIDRA of November’22 (Nb. 203)

Publication corresponding to the month of November 2022 (Nb. 223) with all the cider information of the month: Interview with Guti Rodríguez, Best Homemade Cider of Asturies 2022, Xixón de Sidre award ceremony, La Montera Picona, the Cider Boulevard, the apple harvest, smashing, workshop to pour cider, visit to Piñera

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Summer pairings

In this new harmonization report, we propose different gastronomic elaborations to taste with some culinos. THE CIDER.- It is time to enjoy everything that Asturies offers us ... and without a doubt one of its benefits is our cider, the most distinctive product of this country, the most distinctive and protagonist

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Cider with Asturian apple

Apple harvesters, protagonists of the DOP Sidre d’Asturies summer promotional campaign. THE CIDER.- Yesterday the summer promotional campaign was presented, promoted by the Regulatory Council of the PDO Sidra de Asturies, directed this time to the promotion of natural cider where the consumption of 100% Asturian cider is encouraged. The campaign for

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