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Traceability of the Cider of Asturies PDO

The collaborative project between the COP and the CTIC achieves through Blockchain technology to develop a public traceability system for the Cider of Asturias PDO THE CIDER.- Knowing the traceability of Asturian cider is already a reality, having expanded information on the origin and the process followed to prepare ciders marketed

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Record broken!

Xixón breaks  its record of simultaneous cider pouring with 9721 people THE CIDER.- They were 9721 people at the same time pouring out our most emblematic drink on the beach of Poniente de Xixón. So ... Record broken! The XXVIII edition of the Fiesta de la Sidra Natural de Xión has

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Presenting “having ciders”

The book that confirms the multiple realities of the Asturian Sidrera Culture LA SIDRA.- The headquarters of the CR DOP Sidra de Asturias welcomed yesterday the presentation of the first edition of 'De Sidras', a collective book published by the Association of Creators, Writers, Musicians and Artists (Alternatives), and which has

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Aid to combat biannualism

The funds are associated to the experimental plan to control the production that is carried out in collaboration with the PDO Sidra de Asturies LA SIDRA.- The fight against biannualism is one of the main objectives of the cider sector so that Asturies' most identitary product can be made with an

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