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Legacy Irish Cider, gold medal in the Dublin Craft Cider Cup this year

It has been awarded at the prestigious Allteck Craft Brews & Food Fair in the Dublin Convention Centre.

LA SIDRA.- Legacy Irish Cider, a company which is only one year in the market, has been awarded a Gold Medal in the Dublin Craft Cider Cup 2018.

Liam McDonnell, cidermaker from Dungarvan, County Waterford, is thrilled with the award “We are delighted with this award as it gives recognition for all the hard work and natural cider making practices we use. We are currently testing blends for a new cider which we hope to test market this year.”

Liam plans Legacy, which has been receiving excellent reviews from bloggers both at home and abroad, to be available this year in Cork, Dublin, Galway and County Wexford.

In April Legacy Irish Cider will be promoted at Cider World ’18 in Frankfurt along with eight other ciders from Ireland. Cider Ireland, a group of Irish like-minded apple growers and cider makers, will be the guests of honour for the event.

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Born in Xixón, Asturies, in 1973, I studied English Philology at the Universities of Oviedo and Bradford (UK). I've worked as an English teacher, guide, interpreter and translator. I'm very keen on cider and good cuisine. Follow me on the website

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