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In-person final of the contest “turnips in the kitchen”

The contest will be held on January 15 at IES Valle de Aller and the finalists are Pablo García Llorente, David Díaz Fernández and Sandra Argüelles Morgade

THE CIDER.- “Yes, let’s kiss the turnip again! To grow, to move on, obstacles are there to jump over them.” With this phrase, IES Valle de Aller has announced that next Friday, January 15, the final of the VIII Contest ‘Los nabos na cocina’ will be held for Hospitality Schools of Asturies, a contest organized together with the Brotherhood of Friends of Turnips from La Foz de Morcín.

“It is a special year, a special edition, the situation is complicated and even so we wanted to have a gesture loaded with symbolism towards the students and the organizations and entities with which we work that, as in this case, La Cofradía Morciniega, have had to suspend acts as relevant as important for everyone. We wanted to show our support to everyone and that is why, with all the corresponding sanitary measures, this Friday the final will be held in our center ”they point out from the school.

In this edition, the three finalists are all from IES Valle de Aller and are Pablo García Llorente, David Díaz Fernández, and Sandra Argüelles Morgade.

The Jury, also adapted to the current situation, will be made up of two members of the Brotherhood of Friends of the Turnips, two cooking teachers, and the director of the IES Valle de Aller. On Friday 15 the reception and drawing of positions will be at 09:30 in the morning as the contest will begin fifteen minutes later. At 12:15 pm will be the presentation of the dishes to the jury and at 1:00 pm will have the verdict and award ceremony.

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