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First day of Madrid Fusión

LA SIDRA magazine  goes another consecutive year to the gastronomic summit

LA SIDRA.- First day of Madrid Fusión 2019 … with great absences in terms of representation of Asturies. First, and without a doubt the most missed, the stand of natural cider that in previous editions was installed at the door of the Municipal Palace of Congress where cider glasses were offered to all those attending the congress. Well, it is no longer there, nor is the gastronomic Xixón exhibition that used to be located on the third floor where various products of the council were exhibited, including our emblematic drink. There is also no presence of cider in ‘Enofusión’, a specific space on drinks that takes place in the aforementioned summit and that in other years had the presence of the PDO Sidra de Asturies.

However, the brut Pomarina ascribed to the PDO, yes that can be tasted in other stands, one of them the ‘Food of Paradise’ coordinated by the Asturian government, and equally, and how could it be otherwise, in the space that the El Gaitero Group, a producer, always puts in the gastronomic encounter. In fact, Grupo El Gaitero is the only specific representative that there is about Asturian cider in Madrid Fusión. A large variety of their products are present in the display, but once again this year, 1898, their ice cider continues to attract attention and palates. “They ask specifically for it,” said today those who were trying to give to taste the product. You know: El Gaitero, present in the whole world. More Asturian companies in Madrid Fusion 2019 are Toscaf and El Barquero cods.

We must also highlight the stand of Asturies, which had great activity during today. At all times tastings of the quality marks of the land were offered, apart from having the presence of the representatives of the products with PGI, PDO and those who are also welcomed to this distinction due to their quality. All of them, together with the Minister of Rural Development and Natural Resources, María Jesús Álvarez; and also with the general director of Rural Development and Agri-Food, María Jesús Aguilar; They offered brut cider at the opening ceremony of the Asturian space at noon.

Thus, this stand has become a showcase where you can taste the cheeses of Cabrales, Gamonéu, Casín, Afuega’l pitu, Organic Ovín and Beyos. Also the Chosco de Tineo; the Asturian chorizos; the wine of Cangas; the aforementioned PDO cider; Las Marañuelas de Candás and Luanco, ecological kiwi jam and honey from the Asturian forests.

In addition, one of the highlights of the day has been the showcooking that has been called ‘The Food of Natural Paradise” in the Menu of the Reconquest: verdinas and bovine mayor’ taught by Isaac Loya of the Royal Spa of Salinas. The chef interpreted the Reconquista Menu with verdinas with Armorican fish and a charred beef sirloin. The participants could thus know better this project that was born a few months ago for the Centennial of Cuadonga. “The Reconquista Menu is a proposal in which all dishes carry some of the best products of Asturias under the quality brand Food of Natural Paradise. That is the essence of the Menu of the Reconquest, an initiative that has been launched by the Otea tourist association, with the support of the Ministry of Employment, Industry and Tourism of the Principality of Asturias, “said the organization.

Photography: Isaac Loya preparing the ‘Menu of the Reconquista’ and the presenter David Fernández-Prada de Gustatio. Picture: E. Urquiola

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