Inicio > Gastronomy > Estibaliz suggests: minced meat with cheese by El Buen Yantar

Estibaliz suggests: minced meat with cheese by El Buen Yantar

The so-called “tapasbar ” are an excellent option both to try different elaborations and for our pockets.

LA SIDRA.- We have already left the summer behind-well, they say because summer, summer … we do not feel too much either-and now it’s a bit cold. This time I love it, especially because I am very fan of two things: first, the broths of pita or seafood that they start to put in the cider, and secondly, because the cooks get their hands on work to prepare the best … stews spoon! My father often says: in the south it is fried, in the center it is roasted, and in the north it is cooked. And in Asturies go how!

Of course, it goes without saying that due to the forcefulness of these dishes, makes it difficult to be able to try several elaborations of the same stroke. Although good, that before, because now we are seeing more and more that you can ask for “tapinas de bar” for a small price so that we can ask two or three if we go to a cider house in the company of our people. And of course, as it can not be otherwise, most are accompanied by a bottle of cider. For everything to come round hear.

Well today I will recommend one of these “tapina de bar” that both the mozu and I love, and that is … the picadillo with cheese of El Buen Yantar (Casimiro Velasco, 11, Xixón). Pufff, I know we do not have to go through with these things, but one day it’s a day and I still do not start thinking about the 2018 bikini operation. The tapina is quite curious, the hash is very good with flavor and, saying, does not repeat. The integration of blue cheese and potatoes, which, as always here, are prepared at home as well. The price is 5 euros plus the bread ration that costs 1, and believe me the bread is used because it is impossible not to wet it in the salsina that is left in the cazuelina.

And I can not leave without recommending another of these tapinas, this is already “light”. The mussels to the vinaigrette are terrific. Paco, the owner, is always aware of having good seafood, and takes care of every detail, from the lobster, to, as in this case, the mussel. Those of the tapina are thick, at their point – not past, not raw – and the vinaigrette is very smooth but tasty. Besides this cider house I love how it is decorated, it is rustic, with stone walls and the cozy atmosphere of the wineries of yesteryear, but that yes, its clientele covers all ages.

(Visited 2,753,308 times)
Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).

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