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El Chigre 1769, a “Catarian” experience

Opened in late December 2016 in Barcelona, the restaurant is run by chef Fran Heras.

LA SIDRA.- A “chigre” is a device fixed to the wall used to open cider bottles. But it is also the place where cider is sold and drunk, a democratic institution that brings together poor and rich in friendly brotherhood.

In a “chigre” no one is more than anyone, all are regulars, neighbours or casual visitors and everybody gets together, regardless the group or caste they belong.

That is the way Fran Heras, who also runs the Asturian restaurant El Llamber, and Eva Arbonés define this establishment located in the popular Born district in Barcelona.

They consider it as a “Catarian” (Catalan & Asturian) cider and vermouth bar based on two concepts: KM0, by supporting small farming producers; and DNA, essence, soul and roots from two lands, two languages, two identities and two kitchens with gastronomy as common line of communication.

El Chigre 1769 offers Catalonian and Asturian dishes, among which you can order a home-made cheese platter, charcoal-grilled fish and seafood, oysters from Eo, “tortos” (corn pancakes) with Xaldu lamb, “fabada” (bean stew), tripe or “chorizo” in Sopeña cider sauce.

To start with, nothing better than a Roxmut vermouth cider. And to finish, a bill brought in a “madreña” (traditional wooden shoe made of one piece).

(Visited 2,802,109 times)
Born in Xixón, Asturies, in 1973, I studied English Philology at the Universities of Oviedo and Bradford (UK). I've worked as an English teacher, guide, interpreter and translator. I'm very keen on cider and good cuisine. Follow me on the website

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