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Created a committee for Asturian cider culture as a cultural heritage of humanity

The candidacy wants to recognize and strengthen the deep-rooted Asturian cider culture

LASIDRA.- The Asturian government has given the green light to the creation of a committee that will collaborate in the proposal of declaration of Asturian cider culture as intangible cultural heritage of humanity for its transfer to Unesco. “This advisory body is made up of people appointed for their qualifications, experience, knowledge and professional trajectory,” they say.

The committee will be responsible for advising the Autonomous Administration to promote the preparation of proposals and set up dissemination and promotion actions, as well as providing suggestions on the processes of social participation, dynamisation and collective projection carried out throughout the process.

It will have a presidency formed by the heads of the Directorates General of Cultural Heritage and Rural Development and Agri-food, together with the person in charge of the Regulating Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Sidra de Asturies. It will also have ten members named among experienced professionals with the capacity to promote the candidacy:

– Pablo León Gasalla, Cultural Heritage technician.

– Iván González Sánchez, critic and gastronomic facilitator.

– Xuacu López Álvarez, director of the Museum of the Asturian Village.

– Inaciu Hevia Llavona, communicator and social writer.

– Eduardo Vázquez Coto, communicator and project manager.

– José Almeida, restaurant owner, president of Otea and vice president of Fade.

– Joaquín Fernández Sánchez, journalist specialized in rural areas.

– Eduardo Crespo de Nogueira, Natural Heritage technician.

The committee will also have the scientific-technical advice of the following persons:

– Luis Benito García, doctorate in History and university professor.

– Xuan Fernandi Bas, historian.

– Cristina Cantero Fernández, ethnohistorian.

– Jorge Uría González, PhD in History.

– Xuan de Con Redondo, anthropologist and university professor.

(Visited 2,753,313 times)
Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).

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