Five reasons why drinking cider is good for your health.
LA SIDRA.- No one dislikes having some good glasses of Asturian cider, but now we have more reasonss to do it: it is an antioxidant and anticarcinogetic drink, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces blood pressure, prevents diabetes and reduces cholesterol.
According to studies undertaken by the Regulating Council for the Certificate of Origin Cider of Asturias, the Regional Regulating Service for Investigation and Agrifood Development (SERIDA) and the University Hospital Montepríncipe in Madrid, the polyphenols provided by apples capture the radicals which damage cells and cause tumors, and their antioxidant properties help cancer prevention.
The human cell samples exposed to different types of cider also reflected the decrease of cytokines, and so its anti-inflammatory qualities.
On the other hand, it avoids the atheromatous plaque formation in blood vessels, which contributes to reduce blood pressure.
Likewise, after examining the liver lipids of several fish exposed to cider diluted in a fish tank water, the antidiabetic capacity of cider was shown.
Eventually, the moderate consumption of cider acts as an uric acid regulator and protects against heart diseases. And, as it contains pectins, calcium and potassium, it regulates cholesterol.
Do we need any more excuses to keep on enjoying our quintessential drink?