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Cider conference in Exeter

This 12th of September the University of Exeter organized a series of conferences about cider with the title “Lookind for a definition of cider”.

In UK they have it clear the need to deepen into cider culture and its culture and they do so  with these conferences supported by three universities: University of Exeter, University of Plymouth and University of Wales. Thus on the 12th Exeter was the meeting point for producers, professionals of the cider world and experts to participate in the debate and conferences.

The speakers are: Dr Emma Jayne Abbots from Wales University, the profesor Harry West from Exeter and Doctor Kevin Page from Plymouth University. From the industry the speakers were the experts Matthew Talbot expert in DOP and legislation and Alison Spencer, international markets, foods certification and member of Kiwa agrifoods.

The main objective is to get a definition of what cider is to unify the nomenclature and some terms proposed were craft cider, traditional cider, real cider or cyder.

Another important point was to determine the mínimum amount of Apple juice and they proposed a mínimum of 35%. Also it is to highlight the point of deciding if concentrates are allowed or not for what they call real cider.

After an intense day of conferences and debates, they will announce the decisions they made so as to settle a standart and also getting a working cider quality mark in the future.

(Visited 2,818,226 times)
Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).

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