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Programming of Nava’s Cider Festival

One more year, Nava's Cider Festival is surpassed, in search of an increasingly deserved excellence. TUESDAY, JULY 3 5:00 p.m. Final test of the Best Apple Cider and Derivatives Contest Elaborated in Asturias, apart from Natural Table Cider, Sparkling Cider, Ice Cider, Apple Appetizers, Spirits and Vinegars. Sociocultural Center "Llagar

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Las Cerezas del Muselín

Located in the neighborhood of La Vizcaina, currently known as Laviada, Gustavo Paraja opened the doors of the cider bar back in 2015. The cider bar tender reminds us that starting on July 1, the terrace season begins, changing the usual closing day to Wednesday. Seasonal suggestions, menus at €

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BooksCider BarsCider MillsCider tourismCulture of the ciderEventsGastronomyImageInternationalLa sidraMagazineMusicOpinionOthersPSLARecommendationsSin categoríaSISGATastings

The Cider of April (Nº 172)

Publication corresponding to the month of April 2018 with interview to the journalist Susanna Forbes, extensive information of what was the IX PSLA and the XV Sidracrucis, advance of the celebration of the XXI Plates to the Cider in Nava, Cider World '18, Alpsider , Gastronomic Asturies, Cider Agenda, Recommendations,

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