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Teachers in continuing education

eachers from different catering schools attend the CIFP located in Begoña to receive the course 'Valuation of Asturies cider and cheese' THE CIDER. - The CIFP of Hospitality and Tourism of Asturias continues with its eagerness to put in value the Asturian CiderCulture. Yesterday, he presented the new 'Aula Polivalente

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Aid to combat biannualism

The funds are associated to the experimental plan to control the production that is carried out in collaboration with the PDO Sidra de Asturies LA SIDRA.- The fight against biannualism is one of the main objectives of the cider sector so that Asturies' most identitary product can be made with

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Homemade Cider Made in Wood Contest

Unique in its specialty, the Homemade Made in Wood Cider Contest aims to highlight the traditional production of cider in wooden casks. LA SIDRA.- The generalization of fiber and stainless steel casks corners step by step the use of wooden casks: pipes, barrels, barriques ... that not only are they traditional,

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Alma in Salenor

The first white vermouth made with cider will be presented in this fair, as well as more of its products. LA SIDRA.- Trabanco invites you to know the next days 18, 19 and 20 of February the perfect combinations made with the first white vermouth in branch in the Hall

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