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LA SIDRA N.195 (June ’20)

Publication corresponding to June 2020 (No. 195) after the three-month interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic. Interview with Yolanda Trabanco, adaptation and promotion of the cider sector to the situation, awards ceremony of the XIII Semeyes Contest, special harmonizations with bottle cider, women on the cider mill, lifelong ciderlover, Axenda

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Cider BarsCider MillsCider tourismCulture of the ciderEventsGastronomyInternationalLa sidraOpinionRecommendations

LA SIDRA magazine temporarily suspends its publication before the Alarm State

The publication has made this decision since the cider bars, the main recipients of the publication, are closed; and also because its distribution is not guaranteed. LA SIDRA magazine announces that the publication of its number 195 is suspended, the one corresponding to the month of March. The reason is

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Cider MillsCider tourismEventsGastronomyInternationalOpinionRecommendationsTastings

LA SIDRA of December (No. 192)

Release corresponding to the month of December 2019 (No. 192), with an interview with Jorge García, Campoastur, the threat posed by the Asturian demographic debacle for cider, the XIII Photo Contest, harmonization of brut cider, pear tasting, gastronomic specialties for this Christmas, lifelike ciderlovers, gourmet Asturies, cider Agenda, Recommendations ...

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