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Cider Mills

Castañón publishes a video about the making of Val de Boides

The cider mill from Villaviciosa captures in an audiovisual resource the production process of its award-winning cider attached to the PDO.

THE CIDER.- “After so much contentment with the bars closed, the reunions are special and deserve a special cider.” This is how the entry published by Llagar Castañón on the Instagram social network begins, and continues: “In these months we have given a lot of pampering and care to our Val de Boides cider so that you enjoy it as much as we have done preparing it”.

This text gives way to a video in which different scenes are reproduced in which one can see what the process of making Val de Boides is like, the cider from the aforementioned cider mill that is assigned to the Protected Designation of Origin. A cider that, by the way, has been highly awarded, especially in recent years. To mention just a few of its recognitions: First prize at the XXXVI Villaviciosa Cider Festival in 2020, Best Asturies Cider 2020 of the Protected Designation of Origin, 2nd Best Natural Cider at the XLIII Nava Cider Festival 2020, among many more.

“Val de Boides is dedication, quality, effort and a unique experience” they indicate from Castañón and explain that it is in the heart of this country where the best kept secret of the cider mill is born: the apple with which the most awarded Asturies cider is obtained. The video can be viewed at the following address:

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