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XIII SISGA press dossier

The impressive success of the International Hall of Gala Ciders had a very important impact on the media and social networks LA SIDRA.- As expected, the success of the XIII SISGA was - and continues to be - also reflected in the media and social networks around the world, and

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Cider tourismCulture of the ciderEventsInternationalOthersSISGA

Carmen Moriyón: Xixón will be the headquarters of the European Network of Cider Cities

The new councilor of Xixón, Carmen Moriyón, anticipates the upcoming creation of the European Network of Cider Cities -RECS/ENCCi- with the signing of the Accession Protocol together with several municipal representatives of European countries. LA SIDRA.- In the interview published in LA SIDRA Magazine on the month of July, the

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