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Asturies Sidra Brut with stronger than ever!

The eighth edition of Asturies Sidra Brut will have the participation of five cider mills and 300 establishments.

LA SIDRA.– In the presentation that took place yesterday morning at the Hotel de la Reconquista in Uviéu, the need to value this cider among Asturians and visitors was highlighted, especially during Christmas.

Poma Áurea, from Trabanco; El Gaitero Etiqueta Negra and Pomarina, by El Gaitero; Emilio Martínez, from El Gobernador; Prau Monga de Viuda de Angelón and Solaya, of Quelo are the ciders that participate in this event organized by the DOP Sidra de Asturies Regulatory Council, in which 300 establishments will offer this cider at a very affordable price, from today until January 6. On the other hand, and in order to publicize this kind of cider, actions are organized in shopping centers and specialized stores from December 13 to 22.

Celestino Cortina, president of the CRDOP Sidra de Asturies described this event as “very important” in the face of the present and future of the PDO, José Luis Álvarez, president of Otea highlighted the more than 300 locations participating this year in Asturies Sidra Brut and the Counselor of Rural Development and Natural Resources, Mª Jesús Álvarez added that brut cider can compete without any complex “with the best cavas and champagnes”. We’ll see that for real when the “Principality” stop celebrating the official events with their ” Spanish wine”.

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