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A cider bar without obstacles

Grill & Cider Bar Parrilla Muño, awarded with the Accesibility Prize 2017.

LA SIDRA.- Parrilla Muño, opened in 1982 in the district of El Coto, with their celebrated ribs, charcoal-grilled meats and fish, cooked over a wood fire, has become a reference in the catering industry in Xixón.

During these 25 years, they have been improving and increasing their cuisine offer, including dishes for vegetarians and people with special dietary needs. And regarding cider, they offer the one elaborated in their own cidermills, made from selected Asturian apples.

4 years ago they decided to open, with a great success, a new grill & cider bar, this time in the district of Moreda, near Poniente Beach. And this has been the one recently honoured with the award “Accesible Tourism Gijon Company 2017”, as it offers facilities for people with reduced mobility or special needs.

These awards, given by the Association of Spinal Cord Injured and Physically Disabled (Aspaym Asturias), are aimed to identify and spread initiatives which make life and movement easier for people with any kind of disability, as well as turn them into a tool for social awareness.
The prize awarded to Grill & Cider Bar Parrilla Muño belongs to the category of urban and architectonic accesibility private initiative.

In the words of Ines Meana, restaurant manager, their compromise with accesibility is based on making customers feel good and enjoy their facilities, with wide corridors and toilets adapted to disabled and reduced mobility people.

(Visited 2,753,315 times)
Born in Xixón, Asturies, in 1973, I studied English Philology at the Universities of Oviedo and Bradford (UK). I've worked as an English teacher, guide, interpreter and translator. I'm very keen on cider and good cuisine. Follow me on the website

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