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El Gaiteru in Dubai


Gulfood 2017 will take place from February 26 to March 2nd

LA SIDRA ..- El Gaitero Group will take a bit from Asturies to Dubai from the 26th of February to the 2nd of March, the days when Gulfood 2017 will be hled.

This fair is a strategic showcase because it receives visitors from the Persian Gulf area and the Middle East as well as from Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and Oceania and in the last edition, it has had more than 5.000 exhibitors (from 117 countries) and has been visited by more than 93,000 people from 166 countries.

 As is to be expected, in this estate it is not allowed the exhibition of alcholic products, for which The Group El Gaitero this time will not have the ciders that have made them famous throughout the world. But that ‘s not a problem because the brand, whose origins go back to 1890, is much more than that.

 For all those who visit the exhibition, they will be able to try products made with apple, mark of the house, such as Apple juice in a can (100% natural), Apple candy or Zarracina’s sirup (belonging to companies of the group).

 Likewise, they will carry Chip – sparkling juices of different flavors -, Glacia citrus and Glacia blue – the sport drink in two flavors – and Sangria Beach, an alcohol-free refreshment with a taste of sangria.

(Visited 2.753.310 times)

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