Damián Cienfuegos from the cider bar Las Trés Andaricas contested in Gourmetapa while the Asturian cheeses El Beso del Rey Silu, Rey Silu colloráu and Casín d'El Vieyu Mundiu got to the finals of Best Cheese of Spain. THE CIDER.- The Hall of Gourmets was born to turn into the
13 Asturian companies expose their products at this International Fair of Foods and Beverages of Quality celebrated the 4th to 7th of April at IFEMA of Madrid THE CIDER.- Cider takes by storm the Hall of Gourmets. Cortina, Trabanco and Viuda de Angelón are the Asturian cider mills representing us at
As it could not be otherwise LA SIDRA will be present in this event in which Asturian cider has an interesting presence. THE CIDER.- Attentive as we are to every initiative, events and information about cider being the protagonist more or less, LA SIDRA's journalist Estíbaliz Urquiola is in Madrid attending
The Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA in collaboration with the Asturian Center of Barcelona will organize a Gala Dinner to present the SISGA'16 for professionals of the sector. THE CIDER- Coinciding with the presence of the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA with official pass in Alimentaria, one of
Nava's Cider Festival is promoted in Avilés during the "Xinta na cai", celebrated during "El Bollu" festivities. THE CIDER.- Some hundreds of cider liters were sent from the council of Nava to emjoy by the people from Avilés celebratig the traditional "El Bollu" celebration and its food in the street,