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Cangas gluten-free

The cier bars Narcea and Suiss participate in the I Days Cangas Gluten-free to be held in Cangas del Narcea. SEE THE SPECIAL CELICIDÁ THE CIDER.- As it could not be otherwise the participation of cider bars is remarkable in this I Days Cangas Gluten-free to be celebrated today and


Terraza cider bar in Madrid

A Cañada DELICE Experience has inaugurated this new space to enjor good weather and cider. THE CIDER.- A Cañada DELIC Experience Cider Bar inaugured on last 25th of May its new terrace besides a private hall and cocktail bar. This cider bar from Madrid is located in the Alonso del


Ten cider mills at L’Entregu’s Uncorking

It will be celebrated on 27th and 29th of May and there will be cider tasting, music, cultural activities and sports. THE CIDER.- On next weekend takes place in L'Entregu the festivity of the Uncorking of La Laguna. On it ten cider mills will participate: Alonso, Arbesú, El Gobernador, JR, L'Allume,


The best cachopos

This month cachopo (Asturian fillet) is the portagonist of LA SIDRA's gastronomic days, with the best proposals for the lovers of this Asturian delicacies. SEE THE CIDER BARS THE CIDER- Besides cachopo is a novelty in our kitchen, the truth is that a large amount of establishments have been making


Schedule of the Cider Tasting Course

The schedule of the tasting course is now official. It was released by the Association for the Support of Asturian Cider for juries of homemade cider contests. SEE SCHEDULE THE CIDER.- This very interestig initiative, limited this time to 12 participants, will allow to unify criteria among the people participating


V Feira da Sidra in A Estrada

Cabueñes and Solleiro will participate in the Feira de Sidra Natural  and Ecologic in A Estrada THE CIDER.- The Asturian cider mills Cabueñes –Xixón– and Solleiro –Taramundi– will participate in the 5th edition of Feira da Sidra in A Estrada, to be celebrated on next 4th of June in Pontevedra. There


LA SIDRA of May (Nb. 149)

LA SIDRA Nb. 149 corresponding to May 2016 Issue corresponding to the month of May of 2016 with information about the cider news. Interview to Rafael Anson, presentation of the Cider of Selection, Alimentaria, Cider Fair of Rotterdam, special cachopo and many many more. ENTAMU / BEGINNING / EDITORIAL


IV Homemade Cider Contest of Feleches

Cider will be able for presentation from the 23rd to 26th of May and only would be able to participate those producers living and making cider in Sieru. THE CIDER.- Cider will be able for presentation from 20 hours at the old schools of Feleches, headquarters of the Corpus Christi


Impressive response in social networks

LA SIDRA does not only have one of the best located webs of Asturies but also reaches true records in social networks with tens of thousands of visits. The video at La Florida Bar (L’Entregu) with tonada singing had more than 22.000 reproductions and was seen by more than 56.000

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