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Asturies head of cooking for celiacs

El Fartuquín and Casa Niembro share the first and third place respectively statewide in gluten-free kitchen. THE CIDER.- In November and December 2015 announced that El Fartuquín from Uviéu, Casa Niembro in Asiegu and La Ruta in Cangas del Narcea were among the 10 best gluten-free restaurant assessed in their app.


Reyes Ceñal ends its management of the CRDOP

After twelve years of work on next 30th of June she will end her working link with the council. THE CIDER.- Reyes Ceñal, manager of the DOP Regulatory Council Cider of Asturies announced through a goodbye letter that on next 30th of June she fill end her working relation with


Guided Visits to El gaitero

The cider mill will be open during the summer from 10:00 to 13:00 hours and from 16:00 to 18:00 hours and reservation is advised. THE CIDER.- El Gaiteru began its visits in summer time. The entrance is for free and includes the visit to the Permanent Collection, to the cider


Plenty of cider to recover Trubia’s festivities

The society of festivities of the locality carried out an initiative with our traditionla beverage with the aim of fundraising. THE CIDER.- Last year there were not "big" festivities in Trubia. The Society of Festivities of Trubia (Sofretru) will not allow this to happen again and this started this "cider party"


New poster for the XXXIX Nava’s Cider Festival

The woman from Uviéu Ana Webb won the contest announced by the City Hall. THE CIDER.- The Contest to choose every year the poster for Nava's Cider Festival has each time more following and participation, being appreciated a better elaboration and quality of the presented works. This year there were


New poster for the XXXIX Nava’s Cider Festival

The woman from Uviéu Ana Webb won the contest announced by the City Hall. THE CIDER.- The Contest to choose every year the poster for Nava's Cider Festival has each time more following and participation, being appreciated a better elaboration and quality of the presented works. This year there were


Travel through the route of cheese and cider

It will be on Sunday 19th of June and it is organized by the Foncaleyu-Cazanes Neighbors Association. THE CIDER.- The route will be: Cazanes-Villaviciosa, Mercaín de Cangues d'Onís, Asiegu-Cabrales and Cuadonga. The departure time will be 8:30 in the morning and the bus will leave Cazanes fifteen minutes after stopping at


Firefighters give away cider in their protests

They state that they are not the ones interrupting conversations with the "Principality" THE CIDER.- With cider, cheese and ham. This is the way the Emergency Service of Firefighters of the Principality of Asturies wanted to apologize to the citizens for the protests they have been making for some weeks now.


Cider Party in Camargu

Coinciding with the VIII Full Moon Festival, Camargo recovers its cider party. THE CIDER- Cider continues to grow in Asturies of Santillana and Tresmiera, and thus Camargu recovers its cider party after years of absence. It will be celebrated on next 24th of June at Parque de Cors from 20:30

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