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Apple juice in a can

Totally made from Asturian apples by El Gaitero Group. THE CIDER.- El Gaitero Group released one of the most appreciated drink. It is made from 100% Asturian apples and this apple juice is ment for those who don't drink alcohol to enjoy the nuances of this fine fruit. From the


Gallu Pintu, the cider by Campoastur

It is made with apples from the members and can be purchased in Campoastur shos and food chains. THE CIDER.-The Asturian Field Cooperative, Campoastur, has just released its natural cider ‘Gallu Pintu’ (Spotted Cock). “It's an Asturian name, funny, rural and that catches the eye" explained them to the social


LA SIDRA of June (Nb. 150)

  LA SIDRA Nb. 150 corresponding to June of 2016 ENTAMU / BEGINNING / EDITORIAL LA SIDRA 150.- Issue corresponding to June of 2016 with information about the cider news. Interviwe with Abelardo "El Pitu", special 150 issues. DOP cider, Festival of Nava, Campoastur, special barbecues... and much, much more


Success of Wilkin Aquiles

The cider pourer won the XXXI Cider Pourers Contest taking place in Mieres WATCH VIDEO THE CIDER.- On last 22nd of June there was in Mieres del Camín the XXXI Cider Pourers Contest in the festivities of Saint John. There were 25 participators in the contest at the Plaza del


During Saint Peter, cider in La Isla

The district of La Isla organizes a cider tasting for next 25th of June from 12 hours on. THE CIDER.- Coinciding with the Saint Peter festivities, La Isla will have a cider tasting with cider from 10 different cider mills with the usual procedure. Purchasing the glass of the celebration,


Compensation for the workers of the Cider Museum

They demanded the la rescission of their contract and it reaches the 68 thousand euros.At the beginning of this year the workers of the Cider Museum decided to take their work situation to the justice. Several months without payment made impossible their situation at the center. The Cider Foundation, which


VII Hall of the DOP Cider of Asturies

On next Tuesday 28th of June there will be the presentation of the XXI Harvest ad the VII Edition of the DOP Cider Hall. THE CIDER.- This time the event will be placed in the Mieres' Fair Area (Av. del Camín, Santullano), ans the schedule is from 11.30 to 14.30h


XXXI Cider Pourers Contest of Mieres

The contest will be on Wednesday 22nd and will begin at five in the afternoon. THE CIDER.- Ninde days of celebrations in the festivities of Mieres del Camín during San Xuan. This year the organizers scheduled a set of activities to begin on the 17th and ending on 25th. Inside


The Cider Library

Located in Nava, it offers cider from different parts of the world. THE CIDER.- La Naveta Cider Bar opened during a Cider Festival setting differences in the heart of Nava's village. Ana Emilia Ordóñez, the owner, has cider maker blood in her veins so she wanted to offer cider in

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