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Experiences Pack focused in cider

The company Vivobox, located in Avilés offers Asturian "touristic chests" THE CIDER.- The company from Avilés VIvobox is a pioneer one. What does it offer? Packs of experiences located in Asturies and linked to local companies. As it could not be otherwise, cider is one of the strong points. The


Ondó won again in Nava

The cider pourer won in the International Cider Pourers Championship. THE CIDER.- Salvador Ondó won again in the International Cider Pourers Championship taking place during the Cider Festival of Nava. The award was € 500 and is one of the most prestigious ones of this kind. The second place was


Piñera succeeds in Nava

Piñera cider mill, Best Cider of Asturies in Nava, followed by Orizón and Castañón. THE CIDER.- This prize was reached by Piñera Cider Mill from Xixón with 167 votes in front of the 166 and 165 of Orizón from Nava and Castañón from Villaviciosa. Nava's festival along with Villaviciosa's and


Cider in Scandinavia

Since today on the Swedish writer and collabortor with the media Jonas Borssen, specialized in gastronomic tourism, will be visiting Asturies. THE CIDER.- The writer is going to visit the Cider Shire to know Asturian beverage, cider, for his next book focused on the main products of the Spanish State's


Steak and cider in Cabañón

This cider mills celebrates its 13th days of the meat on 8th, 9th and 10th of July, and the chef is Vita Trabadelo. THE CIDER.- Today begin one of the unmissable days for meat and cider lovers. Cabañón Cider Mill has made its 13th Days of the Steak. The master


Empowerment of the Cider of Selection

The label composed by Foncueva, Muñiz, Peñón and Trabanco increases it sales a 10% THE CIDER.-  The cider of Selected Apple, a quality label composed by the cider mills Trabanco, Peñón, Foncueva and Muñiz; opens the 2015' harvest exceeding every expectations. Since the official presentation celebrated in Xixón of 10th


Cider Tasting in Cuideiru

Inside the activities of the 1st Fair of the Asturian Conserve, LA SIDRA organizes a guided cider tasting managed by the experts Manuel G. Busto and Donato Xuaquín Villoria. THE CIDER.- The tasting will be held today Saturday 2nd of July at Los Arcos Restaurant in Cuideiru and the ciders


Conversations about the Cider Museum

On next 8th of July, the day before Nava's Cider Festival, there will be a speech entitled: "Reflections about the Cider Museum: current realities and expectations for the future. THE CIDER.- Organized by Xuan de Con Redondo -Researcher in the Doctorate Program in Anthropology of the uNED- will have the participation


Podemos about the TTIP and cider

Paula Valero demands "policies of protection for the DOP "Cider of Asturies". THE CIDER.- The Podemos Asturies' deputy , Paula Valero attended on last Turesday to the Hall of the DOP Cider, which was held in Mieres del Camín and gathered all the professionals of the sector. The parliamentary Paula Valero reminded

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