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Presentation of the new Poma Áurea

"We have to be very nationalists with cider, with what is ours" stated Samuel Trabanco in the presentation of the new image of the new "Poma Aurea". LA SIDRA.- Poma Áurea reinvents itself, enhances the formula and renews its aspect actualizing it and making it finer if possible. The new


Corvera, faithful to the amagüestu tradition

This year there will be given away hundreds of cider liters and a ton of baked chestnuts. THE CIDER.- Amagüestos (popular Fall celebrations) in Corvera are someting more than a tradition kept for immemorial times in which neighbors participate and enjoy. Thus the council offers a popular amagüestu to be


Burbujas, the reception of the sparklings

In this event participated champagnes, cavas and three cider mills of brut cider. THE CIDER.- This was the seventh edition of "Burbujas", an event that puts together cava, champagne and sparkling cider. It took place in the Oca Palaciu La Llorea Hotel, located in the road Xixón-Villaviciosa. Burbujas 2016 is


The beer giant tries to encourage cider consumption

Heineken prepared a strong adverising campaigns for America and United Kingdom. THE CIDER.- The great European beer intertational companies got it clear: the cider consumption is each time bigger in the world and that's why they want their piece of the cake. One of the great companies of this kind,


“It’s not Halloween, it’s Samain”

Mieres del Camín celebrates this party with apple juice every day. THE CIDER.-  One more year Plaza Requexu will host a new edition of Samai, the celebration of health and solidarity that comes full of activities for children and grown ups such as games, music, costumes and gastronomy. As it


El Martiniegu of La Gascona

In the cider boulevard from Uvieu there's the Samartín from today until Sunday 23rd. The time for the pork season, the Samartín, is coming. In La Gascona on the 20th all the cier bars will have menus and snacks with Asturian crafted products with pork as protagonist. These days will


Xixón of Cider awards

During the 11 days that lasted this eighth edition, a new record was broken with the sale of 116.000 cider bottles. BROWSE AWARDS GALLERY The numbers speak for themselves about the success of the last edition of Xixón of Cider since to the 116.000 bottles sold should be added the


Best homemade cider of Asturies

This weekend Villaviciosa will held the Homemade Cider Contest of Asturies with the awards named after Mundo Collada in honor to the oenologist from Villaviciosa. THE CIDER.- This event is organized by the Association for the Support of the Asturian Traditional Cider and with the suport of Villaviciosa's City Hall

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