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LA SIDRA of February

LA SIDRA Nb. 158 corresponding to February of 2017 ENTAMU / BEGINNING / EDITORIAL LA SIDRA.- Release corresponding to February of 2017 with interview with the Doctor Jesús Bernardo about the vurtues of cider and Cantabric diet, the awards of the C LA SIDRA's Photography Contest, the label Cider Bars of Asturies,


Cider vermouth in Guadalajara

On Sunday 26 there will be steak, fabada, crab cake, Cabrales cheese and plenty of cider poured by Alejandro Sanz Rodríguez. LA SIDRA.- If on next Sunday 26th you come around Guadalajara, you can't miss the Asturian vermouth that is going to take place in the restaurant El Fogón del


DOP technical day

The innkeepers have deepened in the knowledge of the cider with denomination of origin to ecourage to its consumption. LA SIDRA.- The CR DOP Sidre de Asturias organized yesterday a technical day for Asturian hoteliers, with the aim of deepening the knowledge of this product and its application in the


LA SIDRA in Cornwall

A LA SIDRA’s delegation went to Cornwall to visit it and establish relations. BROWSE GALLERY Cornwall (Kernow), celtic nation of Great Britain has a big yet unknown cider tradition beyond its borders. It was in the west of the island where an International Delegation of LA SIDRA went to visit


Asturian cider culture reaches Japan

This year begun with the surpressive presence of a Japanese cider pourer in Xixón, specifically in Trabanco's in Llavandera. LA SIDRA.- This story begun like a year ago when a Japanes marrige in love of the Peninsula opened in Tokyo the Camino de Santiago restaurant. During these days both both


Already over 250.000 visits!

LA SIDRA's vidio at Les Praeres cider bar is already a viral phenomenon with over 250.000 visits in less than 48 hours.  WATCH VIDEO LA SIDRA.- To get more than 250.000 visits is a remarkable fact but it is even more to do it in less than 48 hours, with


Last days of discount

On net 30th of November ends the offer for Diamantes de Hielo for 9 €. THE CIDER.- The great offert of ice cider by Viuda de Angelón Cider Mill, with three euro discount, comes to an end this month, so it's only two days left to take advantage of this chance to


Xixón and Uviéu celebrate Winter Vermouth

The event 'RoxMut, Celebra lo que Yes' (Celebrate what you are) offers craft snacks from 21 November to 21 December. THE CIDER.- More than thirty restaurants from Uviéu and Xixón participate in the event "Winter Vermouth, Celebrate what you are" which will take place from 21st of November to 21st

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