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Cider Arc

This year, the Atlantic Arc Festival will have its own space for Atlantic Cider. LA SIDRA.- The Cider Arc, organized by the Astureis XXI Fesival, will be located at the Spirts Harbor, near the V Agroalimentary Hall and there will be an exposure of the 22 selected pictures of the X La


“Cider Mills Route” presentation in Sieru

It took place at la Morena Cider Mill in Viella. LA SIDRA.- Some months ago Sieru's Town Hall asked the cider makers of the council what do they needed to empower the cider sector. After some conversations they agreed that the information about cider mills location was essential. This is


XL Cider Festival of Nava, new poster and novelties

The poster presented by Juan Diego, an Asturian migratd to Castelló -another urban leged of migration-, was the winner of the contest for the event's image.  LA SIDRA.- The author could not attend to pick up the prize due to work issues, but stated that "I have been always impressed


Cider and University

The University of Uviéu ingores Asturies and also cider, as they were told by the Asturian entrepreneurs of the sector. LA SIDRA.- In the category of the "Creating Talent" days organized by the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs, Santiago Garcia rector of University of Uviéu, had to hear the criticisms about the


XII Cider Festival of Llaviana

It will take place this Saturday 3rd of June at Plaza Ayuntamientos Democráticos of La Pola. LA SIDRA.- The 12th Llaviana's Cider Festival will offer cider from twelve cider mills: J. Tomás, Frutos, Arbesú, Quelo, Viuda de Angelón, Trabanco, L'Allume, Contrueces, Fonciello, Fran, Castañón and  Buznego, winner of the Best First


Menendez’s annual espicha

There were 25 lambs and plenty of cider. WATCH VIDEO LA SIDRA.- Summer is coming and once again and for eighth time Menéndez Cider Mill invited all its customers to enjoy the already traditional espicha or traditional cider meeting. They celebrated the good weather with their three products: Sidra Menéndez, la


1st Cider Days of Carbayín

On next Sunday 4th of June there will be in Carbayín Altu -Sieru- the "1st Cider Days of Carbayín".   LA SIDRA.- La Peña "Milwaukee" organizes this event to be held from 12:00 to 15:00 with the usual way of the purchase a glass for 3 € and then drink freely


United States visits El Gaitero

Rachel Blickfordand Carmen Valverde visited the Asturian cider mill. LA SIDRA.- The Councilwoman of Agriculture of the USA and the specialist in agriculture of the North American Ambassy, Carmen Valverde, visited yesterday El Gaitero cider mill in Villaviciosa. The point was to know first hand the production of cider its


No Uncorking for this year

There will not be cider party in L'Entregu this year. LA SIDRA.- On last year the board of managers of the Cultural and Celebrtion Society of L'Entregu resignrd and, not being any substitution, that association was managed by a private company. This year LA SIDRA Magazine contacted Samartín del Rei


1st A Estrada da Sidra Photography Contest

The Council of Tourism of Concello d'A Estrada organizes this contest with a 1.150 € prize. LA SIDRA.- The aim is to empower the Festa da Sidra both ellaboration as distribution and consumption: "it will have a topic to convey the spirit of cider", so the pictures presented will have

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